Mental lexicon: two sides of hierarchical organization from big data
Modularity and pragmatics: some simple and some complicated ways | Csaba Pléh
Morphological patterns in Hungarian children with Williams syndrome and the rule debates | Csaba Pleh, Agnes Lukacs, and Mihaly Racsmany
Naming strategies in the ‘one minute short stories’ of István Orkeny
Neural correlates of combinatorial semantic processing of literal and figurative noun noun compound words Bálint Forgács, Isabel Bohrn , Jürgen Baudewi , Markus J. Hofmann , Csaba Pléh , Arthur M. Jacobs
On the importance of goals in child language - Acquisition and impairment data from Hungarian
On the psycholinguistics of preverbal modifiers in Hungarian: Adult intuitions and children's treatment of modifiers
Processing of multimorphemic words in hungarian | Csaba Pléh and Levente Juhász
Relation between morphological and associative structure of Hungarian words | Dániel Czégel , Zsolt Lengyel , Csaba Pléh
Residual Normality and the issue of language profiles in Williams syndrome (p. 766)