Democracy, freedom and language in the rationalist linguistics of Chomsky and the evolutionary epistemology of Popper and Campbell
Evolutionary visions of intentionality, learning and selection. From Mach through Popper to Dennett Action organization and understanding from a historical perspective Talks at the course „Learning, imitation, and artifact understanding”, Summer Univers
Feri Jólesz from hitchhiking to neuroimaging
From experimental studies of story organization to narrative theories of Self
From the evolutionary models of cognition to epigenesis of development: Karl Bühler and present day psychology Bühler-Colloquium at the Technical University of Dresden, October 18th, 2006 CSABA PLÉH
Géza Révész and the beginnings of experimental psychology in Hungary
Géza Révész and the beginnings of experimental psychology in Hungary Csaba Pléh
Half century of Hungarian psychology: 1960 to 2010 Institutions, ideas and fates
History of psychology done by psychologists and by historians Colloque at Collegium De Lyon, dec. 18th 2012
History of the fate of information theory in psycholinguistics