A psycholinguistic analysis of the instrumental-comitative syncretism in Hungarian Mental representations of unidirectional and bidirectional comitative constructions István Fekete & Csaba Pléh
Age, language, and context as determinants of spatial orientation | 2022
Agglutination, word recognition and sentence procesing: What do we learn from psycholinguistic experiments about typological peculiarities Csaba Pléh Talk at the Grammar and Context Conmference at ELTE, Budapest April 19, 2011
Agreement in Hungarian children with LI: representational or processing deficit? European Child Language Disorders Group 12th-14th July, 2007, Cork
Cognitive Science: New structural developments on a regional level Csaba Pléh Presentation at the COGNOSCENTE final meeting, Zagreb November 26, 2009
Contextual and personal determinants of Ego-centered networks New methods and results of research in social relations (the media-driven man) Hungarian Science Festival, November 26, 5. p.m. Október 6 u. 7 Room 102 Csaba Pléh
Critical & Sensitive Periods
Developmental impairments of morphology: observations on hungarian children with williams syndrome, down syndrome and sli | Csaba Pléh Talk at the 12th International Morphology Meeting Budapest, May 27th, 2006
Effet des différences individuelles et du format de présentation sur la navigation hypertextuelle Zsofia Voros Jean-François Rouet Csaba Pléh
Entropy effects in processing Hungarian Csaba Pléh Talk at the XVIIIth Summer School in Psycholinguistics Balatonalmádi, 2016. May 30th Together with Varga Dániel, Czégel Dániel, Fazekas Judit, Fekete István, Oravecz Csaba, Horváth Ákos, Lengyel Zso