‚Fashions in Love’of Aldous Huxley and the Re-emergence of Romantic Relations
2022 | Tensions of scientific integrity, intellectual freedom, and political power in contemporary Hungarian social science
Academic freedom and the autonomy of basic science: Examples from contemporary Hungarian tensions over science policy
Animal action, its explanations and relation to psychology Action organization and understanding from a historical perspective Talks at the course „Learning, imitation, and artifact understanding”, Summer University, CEU, Budapest, July 2005 Csaba Plé
Animal action, its explanations and relation to psychology Action organization and understanding from a historical perspective Talks at the course „Understanding actions and mind”, Summer University, CEU, Budapest, July 2004 Csaba Pléh
Animal memory and the origins of mind: The conception of Lajos Kardos, a Hungarian comparative psychologist Csaba Pléh Talk at the XXIII International Congress of History of Science and Technology Budapest, July 27- august 2, 2009
Changing Media and Changing Rhetorics in Science Communication
Darwin and the functionalist approach to modern psychology | Talk at the Darwin Day at Collegium Budapest, 9 February 2009 | Csaba Pléh
Darwin and the nature-culture continuity issue regarding culture Invited Talk at the ESF-COST Research Conference Complex Systems and Changes. Darwin and Evolution: Nature-Culture Interfaces, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain 15-20 September 2009. | Csaba Plé
Darwin, the functionalist approach to modern psychology and the central european heritage | Talk at MeiCogsci Conference, Vienna 19th June 2009 | CSABA PLÉH